Sen. Oluremi Tinubu, the First Lady, came in Freetown, Sierra Leone on Thursday to commemorate this year’s UN Day Against Rape and Girl-Child Exploitation alongside her counterpart, Fatima Jannie-Bio.

Mrs. Jannie-Bio met Mrs. Tinubu upon her arrival, and the two of them had a boat journey into Freetown, where they were greeted by cultural groups from Sierra Leone and Nigeria.

The day will be observed on November 18 with events focused on rape in Africa, gender-based violence, and the exploitation of girls. This was indicated by the program of events.

The activities will focus on building a coalition against the challenges across the African continent.

In the course of the activities, Sen. Oluremi and her counterparts from Angola, Ana Dias Lourenco, and Mrs Jannie-Bio, are expected to sign a commitment to lend their voices to the struggle against the vices while seeking succour for the victims.

“The event will mark a new era for Africans, especially women, against challenges confronting them,” she told NAN in Freetown on arrival.

She applauded her Sierra Leonian counterpart for the effort toward a better life for women.

“I am proud of what she has done for women here; the impact is massive.

“One may not really know what she has done now, but posterity will be kind to her. The people would remember her as someone who did much for them,” she said.