Niger State Governor, Sani Bello, has sworn in the candidate of the New Nigeria People’s Party, NNPP, Abdul-Alim Abubakar, as the new chairman of Gurara Local Government Area.

Mr Abubakar’s swearing in followed an order of the Niger State High Court which nullified the nomination of the candidate of the All Progressives Congress, APC, Yusuf Walid.

Mr Walid was declared the winner of the November 10, 2022 council election.

But his victory was challenged by a member of the party, Saudaki Abubakar, who faulted the nomination of the now-ousted chairman as the consensus candidate.

Ruling on the matter, the presiding judge, Maimuna Abubakar, agreed with the applicants and nullified the primaries.

The court therefore directed the Niger State Independent Electoral Commission to issue a certificate of return to the NNPP candidate who came second in the polls.

Speaking during the swearing in ceremony at the government house in Minna on Monday, the governor, who was represented by his deputy, Ahmed Ketso, said his administration will continue to respect the rule of law, and the yearnings of the people at all times.

While appealing to the members of the ruling party to be law abiding, Mr Ketso warned the people against spreading fake news and hearsay.

He also charged the newly sworn in chairman to prioritise the security and welfare of his people.

The oath of office and oath of allegiance was administered by Justice Halima Ibrahim Abdulamalik.