The leader of mutineers who seized power in Niger, Gen. Abdourahamane Tchiani, has signed a decree to form a new transitional government.

Mr Tchiani signed the decree on Wednesday, the ActuNiger new portal reported, adding that the new interim government consists of 21 ministers.

According to the list of new government members, an absolute minority are in the military ranks.

On July 26, President Mohamed Bazoum was ousted and detained by his guards, led by Mr Tchiani, who proclaimed himself the country’s new leader.

Then the caretaker National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland closed the country’s borders, brushing aside security agreements with France, Niger’s former coloniser.

On July 30, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) suspended all financial aid to the country and froze rebels’ assets.

The sub-regional bloc also banned commercial flights to and from the country and closed all borders.

ECOWAS moved further and gave the coup leaders one week to reinstate Mr Bazoum and restore order, hinting that it would resort to military intervention otherwise.

The ultimatum expired on Sunday.

Talks are ongoing in Abuja by ECOWAS leaders to resolve the political impasse and release of Mr Bazoum in Niger.