NCC Urges Collaborative Efforts to Mitigate Risks of Technological Advancement

NEWS DIGEST – The Nigerian Communications Commission recently convened the “Telecoms Industry Risk Management Conference” in Lagos, emphasizing the necessity for collaborative risk management amidst rapid technological progress.

Dr. Aminu Maida, Executive Vice Chairman of the NCC during his speech at the event highlighted the imperative of effective risk management in light of the swift technological evolution during his address at the event themed “Evolution and Future Risk Management in the Telecoms Industry: Harnessing Emerging Technologies and Trends.”

“In an era marked by rapid technological advancements, the telecommunications industry finds itself at the forefront of innovation, shaping the way we communicate, connect, and conduct business. As we navigate this dynamic environment, the need for effective risk management becomes increasingly paramount,” said Dr. Maida.

The ongoing rapid technological advancement, with 6G leading the forefront promising faster speeds, lower latency, and groundbreaking applications, alongside the anticipation of 7G, brings new risks, from cybersecurity threats to ethical considerations, according to Dr. Maida.

Mr. Kelechi Nwankwo, head of corporate planning, strategy, and risk management, underscored the importance of adaptation to effectively manage the risks associated with technological innovation and advancement.

“With great opportunities come great risks, and it is our collective responsibility to address these risks to safeguard the industry’s growth and sustainability,” he added.

Quoting statistics from the World Economic Forum, Mr. Nwankwo highlighted AI-generated misinformation/disinformation as the second most likely risk to present a material crisis on a global scale in 2024.

Dr. Maida emphasized the importance of telecommunication stakeholders exploring collaborations, generating innovative ideas, and adopting a proactive approach to seamlessly integrate technology in today’s interconnected world.

“In addition to the evolution of connectivity, we must consider the implications of emerging technologies such as quantum technologies (computing, sensing, and communications), advanced artificial intelligence, and blockchain (distributed ledger) technologies,” he said.

However, these advancements can either positively transform the telecommunication industry or introduce complexities, thereby requiring effective harnessing.

Mr. Nwankwo urged participants to exchange ideas and collaborate to gain insights from experts and develop strategies.

“The NCC remains committed to fostering an environment that encourages innovation while prioritizing the security and stability of our telecom infrastructure,” Dr. Maida emphasized.

Together, stakeholders across various fields were in attendance, echoing the sentiment of ensuring that the telecoms industry not only adapts to change but thrives at the forefront of technological innovation.