The chief conservator of the National War Museum Umuahia, Chika Ezeocha, says the museum has continued encouraging creativity in children and youths.

She told journalists in Umuahia on Saturday that the museum was a tool for promoting peace and unity in the nation.

Ms Ezeocha explained that the museum established the children and youth interactive gallery to provide opportunities to explore their creative thinking.

She said the gallery was not just a place where the age group were taught or looked at pictures but also to have a one-on-one interaction and a touch of what museum objects were all about.

“Definitely, when a child comes here, he sees love, unity and a sense of belonging because if you are from other tribes, all of us are one people that can make a nation.”

Ms Ezeocha urged parents to encourage their children to always visit the museum to showcase their creative talents.

The war museum, being the only one of its kind in West Africa, showcases the military history of the country with relics from the Biafra-Nigerian Civil War.