The Non-Academic Staff Union of Educational and Associated (NASU), over the weekend, has informed the Federal Government, that nothing will stop the two-week warning strike as planned, in tertiary institutions.

NASU has stated, that nothing can stop their actions, unless last-minute intervention takes place, by the Federal Government

This strike is a result of the shortfall in payment of its members’ salaries. The General Secretary of NASU, Mr. Peters Adeyemi, has stated that the non-teaching staff union has been protesting the salary cut of its members since February, through the Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System (IPPIS).

According to Adeyemi, the association has filed the Trade Dispute Act CAP 432, Trade Disputes (Essential Services), Act, CAP 433 of the laws of the Federation of Nigeria 1990. and Trade disputes (Amendment) Decree No. 47 of 1992, also known as Form TD/3.

Adeyemi said all efforts to resolve the issue without a strike, have been unfruitful and this is the only way the body feels it will be taken seriously.