The Senate Chief Whip, Ali Ndume, has revealed reasons behind the legislators’ choice of foreign vehicles against the locally-assembled ones.

Speaking on Friday while appearing as a guest on Arise Television’s Morning Show, Mr Ndume, who represents Borno South in the Senate, said most of the made-in-Nigeria vehicles were only assembled in the country.

He said: “The reason why we did not choose Nigerian-made cars is because they don’t manufacture their vehicles, but they assemble them.

“I prefer Nigerian-made products, but the Nigerian car companies are only buying the vehicle parts and assembling them here.”

Meanwhile, a non-governmental organization, Rescue The Vulnerable Initiative, has expressed concern over the insensitivity of Nigerian lawmakers in the purchase of exotic cars at a staggering cost of N160 million per legislator.

The leader of the group, Faduri Joseph, told newsmen in Abuja on Friday that the lawmakers decision came at a time when the nation’s economy was in a state of free fall, leaving countless civil servants and workers struggling to provide for their families due to meager earnings.

He said skyrocketing food prices and the abrupt removal of fuel subsidies without adequate preparation has exacerbated the hardship.

Mr Joseph said: “It’s shameful that our lawmakers, during one of the worst economic downturns in the history of Nigeria, could utilise borrowed funds to acquire luxury vehicles for themselves.”

He said this is occurring at a time when the abrupt subsidy removal had thrown the nation into turmoil, making it difficult for an average Nigerian to afford three square meals a day.

He added that it came at a time when the cost of education was driving many students out of school.

He expressed concern over the state of infrastructure, particularly the deplorable road network, adding that it is a pressing concern and the unemployment rate is steadily rising.

The group leader said it was the responsibility of political leaders to set an example for the nation.

He described the situation as reckless, stressing that it is disgraceful that leaders who were supposed to serve the nation could display such lack of concern for the struggles of ordinary citizens.

He further expressed disappointment that even lawmakers affiliated with the Labour Party, were among those willing to accept the borrowed luxury cars without any qualms.