Boko Haram insurgents

Multinational forces neutralise 20 BH terrorists in Lake Chad

NEWS DIGEST–Troops of the Multinational Joint Task Force have neutralised 20 Boko Haram Terrorists at the fringes of the Lake Chad in a renewed effort to end the activities of the terrorists in the area, the spokesman of the Force, Col Timothy Antigha announced on Monday.

Antigha, however, said four soldiers were wounded during the operation.

He said in a statement that the clearance operations were done in the region of Arege, Malkonory, and Tumbum Rego.

Col Antigha said: ” In continuation of the ongoing offensive operations to oust Islamic State terrorists from the Lake Chad Area, troops of the Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) in conjunction with national forces, in an early morning raid today, neutralized over 20 terrorists operating around Arege, Malkonory and Tumbum Rego general area.

“Similarly, several gun trucks, arms and ammunition, as well as a Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device, which was meant to disrupt troops advance was also destroyed.

“Unfortunately, 4 personnel of the MNJTF were wounded during the firefight and have been evacuated for urgent medical attention.

“The MNJTF remains committed to delivering the mandate of the force and therefore urges continuous support and solidarity of the good people of the Lake Chad Region.”