The Development Research and Projects Centre received a national medal from the Federal Ministry of Women Affairs and the Minister of Women Affairs, Uju Ohaneye, for their outstanding contributions to the creation and implementation of the women’s economic empowerment policy.

The award event, which took place in Calabar in the state of Cross River, was also intended to honor the center for its unshakable dedication to fostering gender equality in Nigeria.

The minister said in a statement issued by the group that the organization’s cooperation with the ministry had a positive impact on Nigerian women’s economic development.

“The recognition bestowed upon the DRPC-PAWED by the National Council on Women’s Affairs is a testament to their exceptional dedication and impact. It highlights the pivotal role of civil society organisations in driving positive change and transforming women’s lives in Nigeria. This recognition will undoubtedly inspire other organisations and stakeholders to support women’s economic empowerment initiatives nationwide,” she said.

In his acceptance speech, the DRPC’s Director of Projects, Dr. Stanley Ukpai, who represented the Executive Director, Dr. Judith-Ann Walker, said women’s empowerment has become a crucial agenda in Nigeria’s development landscape.

He added that recognising the potential and talent of Nigerian women entrepreneurs, the Federal Ministry of Women Affairs, alongside its partners, initiated the women’s economic empowerment policy to provide a comprehensive framework for their economic advancement.

“Amidst the formulation and implementation of the women’s economic empowerment policy, the DRPC and PAWED WECs played a pivotal role in supporting the Federal Ministry of Women Affairs. This demonstrated its commitment to gender equality and women’s rights by actively engaging in advocacy to raise awareness about the importance of women’s economic empowerment among policymakers, civil society, and focus groups.

“To strengthen the evidence base for policy formulation, PAWED provided its research on various aspects of women’s economic empowerment, analysing the barriers women face in accessing credit, markets, and entrepreneurship opportunities and providing valuable insights for policymakers and stakeholders,” he said.

Ukpai disclosed that DPRC’s research in the areas of women’s economic empowerment has continued to contribute to the design of targeted recommendations aimed at addressing the challenges facing women in Nigeria.

“Recognising the significance of skill development in enhancing women’s economic participation, PAWED initiated advocacy and communications capacity-building programmes and training workshops. These programmes equip women entrepreneurs with leadership skills and access to mentoring and networking opportunities,” he added.