In a devastating turn of events, a military commander was targeted and killed in an ambush at an army camp in Sabon Garin Dan’Ali, within Katsina state’s Danmusa local government area.

According to sources, the commander was ambushed at Malali village in the Kankara local government area, where he had been summoned to provide reinforcement to defend the village from an attack.

DAILYTRUST reports a source said “As you know, Malali is along Zangon Pawwa road, and that area is completely taken over by bandits. Whenever there is an attack the security agents usually ask for reinforcement from the Maraban Dan’Ali camp, and this new commander would promptly respond

“This time around, they asked for his reinforcement and he came using a Hilux vehicle, instead of the Amoured Personnel Carrier (APC), perhaps the APCs were not available at the time. Unfortunately his assailants waylaid his vehicle and shot him in the head.”

Another source recounted a fierce gun battle between bandits and military personnel while retrieving the commander’s body, resulting in another officer being injured.

“When the residents of the village alerted the security agents of the impending attack, the security personnel went and shot severally in the air without any response from the bandits, and by then the commander was on his way

“When the security operatives fired some shots at the direction suspected to have the bandits, they left, thinking that no one was there, but by the time the commander arrived, they targeted him and shot him,” he added.