Military Aircraft Carrying Malawi’s Vice President Found; All Onboard Dead

A military aircraft carrying Malawi’s Vice President Saulos Chilima and nine others, including former First Lady Shanil Dzimbiri, was found in Chikangawa Forest early Tuesday, with all passengers confirmed dead. The Dornier 228 plane went missing on Monday while en route to Mzuzu for the funeral of prominent lawyer, former Attorney General, and Justice Minister Ralph Kasambala.

The aircraft failed to land as scheduled, prompting President Lazarus Chakwera to order an immediate search and rescue operation involving regional and national forces. The search concluded with the discovery of the wreckage in the dense forest.

Among the deceased were Vice President Chilima, Dzimbiri, and several other notable individuals. The loss has sent shockwaves throughout the nation, deeply mourning the deaths of such high-profile figures.

In a statement released Tuesday morning, the Press Secretary to the President, Anthony Roggers Kasunda, confirmed the tragic outcome and stated that President Chakwera will address the public shortly to provide further details and express his condolences.