The various donated food items

Lockdown: Buratai, GEJ golf clubs assist caddies with palliatives

NEWS DIGEST–The Tukur Yusuf Buratai (TYB) and Goodluck Ebele Jonathan (GEJ) International Golf Clubs have jointly distributed various food items to their young caddies, as part of efforts to cushion the hardship of coronavirus lockdown.

The palliatives package include bags of 10kg of rice, semovita flours, cartoons of indomie, bottle of groundnut oil, sachets of maggi, tomatoes paste, cartoons of spaghetti and sachets of salt, among others.

The food packages were distributed to over 100 caddies of the two clubs at the TYB International Golf Resort and Country Club at Mambilla Barracks in Abuja, on Saturday.

Those present at the distribution of the relief materials also observed a minute silence for the repose of the souls claimed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

In his address at the occasion, the Nigerian Army Chief of Policy and Plans (COPP), Lieutenant General Lamidi Adeosun, emphasized the important of showing care and love at this time when humanity is facing a common enemy.

Adeosun, who is also the Chairman of TYB International Golf Resort and Country Club, said: “One of the primary focus of the TYB Golf Resort and Country Club is the positive engagement of our Barack youths to ensure they turn out as responsible adults. And towards the actualization of this vision, the club encourages the Barrack boys and youths from nearby communities as caddies to introduce them to the game of golf, so as to ensure they turn out as responsible citizens of our dear country. The caddies form a substantive part of our Barrack children to whom we owe the responsibility of appropriate grooming and mentoring through constructive engagement.”

Adeosun, further noted: “The total lock down of the club since the 28the of March this year due to coronavirus has no doubt impacted negatively not only on the caddies, but also their family. It was in that regard that the club and its sister club, the Goodluck Ebele Jonathan Golf Club, constituted and set up a committee to coordinate the utilization of funds contributed by members to provide palliatives for our caddies.”

Mr. Baba Muhammed, who spoke on behalf of the beneficiary-caddies, appreciated the kind gesture of the clubs, praying that the COVID-19 scourge will soon come to an end.

In a vote of thanks, the Club Captain, Brigadier General Adekunle Aribiyi, said the distribution is part of the vision of the club’s patron to positively engage the youths, thanking the organizing committee who ensured that everything was achieved successfully.