Nigerian Govt lifts ban on Emirates Airlines

NEWS DIGEST – The Federal Government has lifted the ban stopping Emirates Airlines from operating in Nigeria.

The Minister of Aviation, Hadi Sirika, announced this via his Twitter handle on Wednesday.

He tweeted, “UAE has written to state that they agree to issue visas to Nigerians, consequently decision has been reached to allow Emirates to fly into Nigeria.

“Commencement of the Visa issuance is condition precedent. Please bear with this unusual situation. Many thanks.”

UAE has written to state that they agree to issue visas to Nigerians, consequently decision has been reached to allow Emirates to fly into Nigeria. Commencement of the Visa issuance is condition precedent. Please bear with this unusual situation. Many thanks ??????????

— Hadi Sirika (@hadisirika) September 30, 2020

The minister had on September 18 announced the ban of Emirates flights to Nigeria.

The Federal Government had earlier vowed to enforce the principle of reciprocity in granting permission to airlines to resume operations.