A video featuring Ahmad Satomi, a member of the House of Representatives from Jere Federal Constituency, Borno State, has gone viral on social media. In the video, Satomi challenges the Green Chamber regarding the recently passed National Anthem bill, questioning its relevance to Nigeria’s pressing issues.

The House of Representatives passed a bill on Thursday, seeking a return to the old national anthem, “Nigeria we hail thee,” for a second reading. The bill, sponsored by Julius Ihonvbere, was promoted on the grounds of patriotism and nationalism.

However, Satomi’s remarks have sparked widespread discussion and debate. He addressed his colleagues, questioning the practicality and impact of the bill amidst Nigeria’s significant challenges. “I do not know how this national anthem will affect the well-being of the common man in Nigeria. Let’s be realistic. How will this support either hunger, banditry, or improve insecurity?” Satomi asked.

His concerns highlighted a perceived disconnect between legislative actions and the real-world problems faced by Nigerians. He emphasized the need for legislation that directly benefits the populace, rather than symbolic gestures. Satomi urged his colleagues to prioritize development-oriented policies that would attract positive international attention and foster growth.

“There is a saying that goes thus, ‘Countries that rely on prayers will rely on the ones that do think.’ Please, let’s think of something that will bring progress, stability, and prosperity to the economy of this nation and improve the lives of the common man,” he urged.

Despite Satomi’s objections, the House of Representatives passed the bill with accelerated consideration on Thursday, May 23. The bill’s passage has sparked a debate among the public and lawmakers about legislative priorities amid the nation’s ongoing struggles with hunger and insecurity.