Dr. Mike Omotosho
Dr. Mike Omotosho

Labour Party Condemn Killings in Plateau

NEWS DIGEST – National Chairman of Labour Party, Dr Mike Omotosho, on Wednesday, said the party was greatly saddened by the incident in Plateau where over 120 Nigerian lives were lost to the attacks by herdsmen.

LP said the incident was “highly worrisome, unfortunate and pathetic”.

“We are pained by this recent attack that affected over nine villages in the state” the party stated.

“Such inhumanity should not be heard or experienced anywhere within our borders,” LP stated.

“The Federal Government should as a matter of immediate national security deploy every resource towards investigating and bringing the perpetrators of such heinous crimes to account.

“More importantly, the administration needs to convey a stakeholder’s summit, wherein the security of our nation, particularly, internal security, would be sole agenda.

“As things stand, it does appear like our security forces, the Army, Police and other forces are stretched thin across different zones of this nation.

“This has paralyzed their ability to be proactive in deploying intelligence and tactical assets to prevent bloodshed of such scale and magnitude of our countrymen.

“The National Security Adviser (NSA), Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Chief of Defense Staff, Inspector General of Police, and others qualified guardians of our national security should rise up to this challenge and seek to honour the dead by ensuring such tragedies never happen anywhere within our nation ever again,” the LP stated.

“Unless the government and we the governed rise up and unite in solidarity, to reject the treachery of murderous herdsmen, marauding terrorist and others of similar ill, to charge our security forces and hold them to account by earning their stripes, to be our brother’s keeper and the fellow-defender of our countrymen, this negative tide and wanton loss of lives may not be nipped in the bud as quickly as required,” Omotosho posited.

He therefore urged the people of Plateau and other empathetic Nigerians to be calm and not to take the law into their hands, but to use this difficult moment to respond to one another in love and mutual respect.

He submitted that securing the country’s neighbourhood should not just be left to the police and security forces, but must become the responsibility of all.

“Nigerians should also reject without reservation every group or individuals who seek to profit off this carnage and particularly those who fester spirit of division, violence or segregation,” Omotosho said.

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