NEWS DIGEST – The only member of the Labour Party in the House of Representatives, Rep. Segun Ogunwuyi, (Oyo/LP) on Thursday defected to the All Progressives Congress (APC).

Ogunwuyi said he defected with the consent of his constituents, and as a result of two factions in the party.

The lawmaker currently represents Ogbomoso North/South/Orire Federal Constituency of Oyo State in the House.

The lawmaker’s notice of defection was read by the Deputy Speaker, Hon. Lasun Yussuff, who presided over the plenary on Thursday.

The notice read in part, “I wish to notify you and the entire House that I have defected to the All Progressives Congress, (APC).

“This action and decision is as a result of the factionalisation in the Labour Party, which sponsored my election into the House of Representatives.

“Presently there are two persons laying claim to the position of the National Chairman of the party with its attendant factional National Executive Committees.

“After wide consultations with my constituents, I have been advised to formally defect to the All Progressives Congress.

“So that we can together actualise our vision of moving our constituency, Oyo State and Nigeria at large forward.

“This action is in tandem with the provisions of Section 68 (1)(g) of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (as amended),’’ he announced.

Ogunwuyi said that his constituency would have more dividends of democracy now that he had defected to APC.

News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) recalls that APC currently controls both Oyo State and the Federal Government.

He dismissed the claim that his new party, APC was in crisis, and said that there “is no political party free of crisis, politics is about crisis management.

“APC will wax stronger since efforts are ongoing to resolve its crisis at the highest level’’ he said. (NAN)