Labour Party Chairman Julius Abure Suspended Over Anti-Party Activities

Labour Party National Chairman, Julius Abure, has been suspended over alleged anti-party activities.

The suspension was initiated by the party’s Ward 3 in Arue-Uromi, Esan North-East Local Government Area of Edo State, and formalized by the state executive committee in Benin.

The suspension letter, dated May 14, 2024, was signed by Ward Chairman Thompson Ehiguese and Ward Secretary Stanley Usiomoh.

The state executive committee, led by Kelly Ogbaloi, endorsed the suspension, advising Abure to cease presenting himself as a member of the party.

The suspension takes immediate effect.

Part of the letter reads, “While the suspension is with immediate effect, you are advised to refrain from holding out or parading yourself as a member of Labour Party, Ward 3, Arue, Uromi, Esan North East Local Government Area of Edo State”