King Charles III
King Charles III


King Charles has been diagnosed with a form of cancer and will postpone public engagements to undergo treatment, Buckingham Palace said on Monday but added he remained “wholly positive” about the scare less than 18 months into his reign.

Charles, 75, who became king in September 2022 following the death of his mother Queen Elizabeth, has begun a series of treatments, the palace said, adding he was looking forward to returning to full-time duties as soon as possible.

The cancer revelation comes after Charles spent three nights in the hospital last month where he underwent a corrective procedure for a benign enlarged prostate.

The palace said a separate issue of concern had been spotted during that hospital stay but did not give any further details beyond saying tests had revealed the king had a “form of cancer”.

“No further details are being shared at this stage, except to confirm that his majesty does not have prostate cancer,” the palace said.

“Throughout this period, his majesty will continue to undertake State business and official paperwork as usual.”

As such, Charles will continue to have meetings with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, while his wife Queen Camilla will continue with her engagements.
