Kashim Shettima
Kashim Shettima

Kashim Shettima’s sincerity and his sermon to State Governors, By AbdurRaheem Sa’ad Dembo

NEWS DIGEST – Kashim Shettima, the Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is renowned for his unwavering commitment to addressing national issues with sincerity and candor. In a time where economic challenges plague the country, Shettima’s recent address to State Governors during the 140th National Economic Council meeting showcased his deep concern for the welfare of the populace.

Acknowledging the complexity of governing Nigeria amidst economic turbulence, Shettima emphasized the crucial role of leaders with integrity in restoring hope to the masses. Beyond mere rhetoric, he offered tangible solutions, urging Governors to prioritize initiatives aimed at empowering citizens to earn a livelihood with dignity. Notably, he underscored the importance of President Tinubu’s eight-point agenda, emphasizing consistency, accountability, and inclusivity in governance.

Shettima’s call for action extends beyond rhetoric, as he emphasized the transition from deliberation to implementation of initiatives aimed at alleviating the citizens’ plight. He aptly recognized the challenging nature of the current political landscape, urging leaders to exhibit wisdom and steadfastness in their decision-making.

However, Shettima rightfully pointed out that the success of federal initiatives hinges on the collective commitment of Governors. He emphasized the need for subnational leaders to align their efforts with those of the federal government, transcending traditional approaches to governance. The era of reliance solely on federal intervention is waning, necessitating innovative and sustainable strategies at the state level.

Governor Mohammed Umaru Bago’s stance against merely distributing palliatives underscores the imperative for Governors to adopt more comprehensive approaches to governance. Shettima’s guidance emphasizes the need for substantive policies aimed at fostering long-term socioeconomic development.

As Nigeria celebrates positive economic indicators, Governors must heed Shettima’s counsel and translate his admonitions into concrete policies and programs. By doing so, they can contribute to the nation’s progress and alleviate the hardships faced by its citizens.

Let the wisdom imparted by the Vice President resonate in the actions of our Governors as we collectively strive for Nigeria’s success.