THE Indigenous People of Biafra, IPoB, yesterday, described as arrant nonsense, the claim by the Department of State Services, DSS, of not having enough personnel to handle the logistics for Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s visitors, because of Imo, Bayelsa, and Kogi States governorship elections.

It also said that the DSS’s reason for denying Kanu access to his weekly visitors is not only ridiculous, but also one of those silly comments that make the people see them as an agency full of lawless officials.

The pro-Biafra group, therefore, raised the alarm that something other than the election reasons warranted the denial and harassment by the DSS  headquarters staff  in Abuja of its leader’s visitors’.

IPoB in a statement by its Media and Publicity Secretary, Emma Powerful  said that the DSS on Thursday, the 9th of November, 2023, refused to allow Mazi Nnamdi Kanu access to his visitors on flimsy excuses, adding that Imo, Bayelsa and Kogi States governorship elections, have nothing to do with Mazi Kanu’s weekly visits and therefore, should not be given as the reason for such denial.

IPoB’s statement read, “The global family and movement of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPoB, ably led by our supreme leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu raises alarm over the denial and harassment of our leader’s visitors by the DSS headquarters staff in Abuja.

“On Thursday, the 9th of November, 2023, DSS refused to allow Mazi Nnamdi Kanu access to his visitors on a flimsy governorship election excuse. The claim of not having enough personnel to handle the logistics for Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s visitors because of Imo, Bayelsa, and Kogi States elections by Abuja DSS as a reason for denying him access to his visitors is arrant nonsense, ridiculous and laughable, and portrays DSS as agency filled with unintelligent and lawless officials.

“During the general elections, involving presidential, governorship, national and state assembly, our leader was allowed access to his visitors at DSS solitary confinement and detention facility.

“So, why should DSS deprive Mazi Nnamdi Kanu of his visitors because of Imo, Kogi, and Bayelsa States governorship elections? This is a calculated attempt to torture and make things difficult for him and this is not acceptable to us.

“The excuse of the DSS for denying our leader his visitors as ordered by the court is suspicious. We, therefore, warn DSS to be careful in handling the issues concerning our leader. We do not expect any excuses or selective visitors for our leader going forward.

”IPoB and Mazi Nnamdi Kanu understand the gimmicks of the DSS and their Fulani-influenced government of the day in Nigeria. IPoB is watching the DSS and their Director, Mr. Yusuf Bichi, as they unfold and start their tricks.

“We also want to tell their newly hired Igbo spokesperson, Mazi Peter Afunanya, not to start his dirty job with us or he will regret it. A security agency like the DSS has made Nigeria a banana republic where constituted authorities don’t obey court orders and the rule of law.

“If Nigeria is a responsible country, treasury looters and politicians like imposed Imo Governor, and his colluders can’t influence the decision of the courts that ordered for the unconditional release of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.

“Not even a president of a sane country can disobey court orders. But in Nigeria, anyone with small power like the security agencies and the errand boys in the presidency can disobey court orders without consequences.”