IPMAN to members: Sell petroleum products at regulated prices

NEWS DIGEST–The national leadership of the Independent Petroleum Marketers Association of Nigeria (IPMAN) has charged its leadership in the Midwest Zone to ensure availability of petroleum products to the public at all times.

National President and Secretary respectively of IPMAN, Chinedu Okoronkwo and Alhaji Danladi Pasali, respectively, gave the charge in a letter to Solomon Nosakhare Ogbewe and Pastor Ezekiel Olusegun, who were recently appointed as Zonal Chairman and Secretary respectively, for the Midwest Zone.

Their appointment followed a Supreme Court judgement which struck out a suit by one Obasi Lawson, which challenged the leadership of the National President IPMAN, Chinedu Okoronkwo.

The IPMAN national leadership urged the appointed leadership of the Midwest Zone to liaise with the officials of NNPC/PPMC in the zone, for effective allocation and distribution of petroleum products for its members.

It also enjoined them to ensure that members sell the products at officially regulated prices.

It warned that the body will not tolerate contravention of government’s rules and regulations​ in the oil industry, as well as to ensure that the products are available for Nigerians at all times in the filling stations.

The Apex Court judgement has finally put paid to the lingering leadership tussle that has rocked IPMAN since the election of the present executives, headed by Chinedu Okoronkwo.

Delivering judgment in the Suit No. SC15/2015, through Justice Musa Dattijo Muhammad, Apex Court dismissed the preliminary objection of the appellant (Obasi Lawson), describing the claims as incompetent and a mere academic exercise.