IGP Ibrahim Idris
IGP Ibrahim Idris

Again, IGP Idris refuses to appear before Senate

NEWS DIGEST – The Inspector-General of Police, Ibrahim Idris, has failed to honour an invitation to appear before the Senate for the third time.

Mr Idris has ignored the Senate for three weeks consecutively.

He was expected to answer questions on the arrest of a lawmaker, Dino Melaye, and killings across the country.

The police boss was first summoned on April 25 but he failed to appear.

The upper house of the Nigeria’s bicameral legislature re-summoned Mr Idris after it refused to allow the deputy Inspector-General of Operations to represent him.

The lawmakers summoned Mr Idris to appear on May 2 by 11 a.m. Again, he did not show up.

The Senate issued a third summons following a suggestion by the senate president, Bukola Saraki.

Mr Idris was asked to attend the senate plenary today, May 9. Again, he did not show up.

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