President Muhammadu Buhari

IDPs’ rehabilitation: Buhari seeks UN support

NEWS DIGEST–President Muhammadu Buhari on Monday sought the support of the United Nations for the urgent rehabilitation of Internally Displaced Persons in the country.

He said children in particular needed urgent help to be reunited with their parents, else the future would be under threat.

Boko Haram insurgency has left over two million displaced persons in the North-East of Nigeria alone.

Buhari made the call in Abuja when he received visiting President of the UN General Assembly, Prof Tijjani Muhammad-Bande, at the State House.

Muhammad-Bande, a Nigerian, is the 74th UNGA President.

“Most of the displaced children do not know their parents, or where they come from. We have to look at the issue now, properly rehabilitate them, otherwise, we will have a problem on our hands in the future,” the President told Muhammad-Bande.

Buhari added that he had confidence in Muhammad-Bande’s “hard work and competence” to deliver on his mandate.

The Nigerian President assured the UNGA President that on its part, Nigeria would continue to promote education and provide healthcare services to the population.

Speaking with State House correspondents after meeting with Buhari, Muhammad-Bande expressed gratitude to the President for also fulfilling his promises to support his office.

“Everything that was promised to me in terms of personnel and funds has been given and I therefore have every reason to make sure that at the end of the day, what we promised to achieve, we have achieved them.

“Of course, a lot depends on what cooperation we are able to obtain from other member states and I will like to say that the support so far has been very encouraging”, he said.

Muhammad-Bande said of immediate focus was the speedy implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and poverty eradication.

During his visit to the wife of the President, Aisha Buhari, Muhammad-Bande thanked Mrs Buhari for supporting him during the inauguration of the 74th UNGA by sending a delegation to New York from Nigeria.