How to maintain a healthy lifestyle free against infections

NEWS DIGEST – Experts say microorganisms are the major cause of all diseases and infections. These microorganisms are ubiquitous and increase their number rapidly.

Most diseases caused by microorganisms are transmitted from an infected person to a healthy one. As such, the World Health Organization recommends the use of proper hygiene to avoid the spread of these diseases.

 How Microorganisms penetrate
Different forms of microbes can invade the body to cause different forms of diseases. These forms include bacteria, viruses, and fungi among others. Although the mode of invasion may vary, the mechanism through which they cause diseases are quite similar.

All microorganisms only cause diseases after suppressing the immune system of the host. There are mainly two types of immunity: natural and acquired immunity.

Natural immunity, which is natural existing immunity in humans, provides the ‘first fight’ against the invasion of any microorganisms in the body. Natural immunity can be injured due to the proliferating capacity of the microbes.

 Practicing good healthy lifestyle
While it is not possible to eliminate microbes, it’s possible to limit their potential to cause diseases through good hygiene.

The United Nations Children Education Fund (UNICEF) says good hygiene is critical for preventing the spread of infectious diseases and helping children live long, healthy lives.

The World Health Organization (WHO) faults poor sanitation for the easy transmission of diarrhoea diseases such as cholera and dysentery, as well as typhoid, intestinal worms infection and polio.

Such personal hygiene include:
– Brush your mouth (before breakfast and after dinner)
– Take your bath regularly (at least twice each day)
– Cover your food and avoid contaminated water
– Wash your hands regularly