The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the global economy, and we have seen various organisation and companies respond to the pandemic, by trying to help those in need, through financial assistance and support programmes. 

Heritage Bank PLC, has reiterated commitment to support young entrepreneurs and business owners in the country, by aiding them to grow their businesses as start-ups, or prospective business owners.

According to the bank’s Managing Director, Mr. Ifie Sekibo, the bank is aware of the devastating impact on business owner, due to the nationwide and global lock-down, incited by the COVID-19 pandemic. The economy has been gravely affected, and many businesses shut down, due to lack of sales and income.

The Managing Director ensured that the bank will step up their game, in order to empower the Nigerian youth. The bank believes the Nigerian youth, is the bedrock of our society.

In addition to this, Mr. Sekibo noted that one of the channels for partnering youth to leverage their talents and contribute their part to the economy, was through the use of financial inclusion strategy. This will include boosting entrepreneurship development.
The youth will be provided with various schemes, to support their business, such as agricultural value chain. This includes fish farming, snail farming, poultry farming and others.