Gur Donates Food Items to Elderly Women and Men in Biu

NEWS DIGEST – In a heartwarming act of kindness, Mamman Ibrahim Gur, the Public Relations Officer, Oriental Energy Resources Limited, has extended a helping hand to widows and needy individuals in Biu Local Government Area of Borno State.

The philanthropist generously donated bags of rice and spaghetti to over 100 women in the southern region of Borno State, Nigeria.

Gur expressed that the gesture was an effort to provide succor and bring smiles to the faces of the less privileged.

The distribution of these food items reflects the deep-rooted desire to express love and support to our people, particularly the widows and those in need.

This noble act is part of Gur’s ongoing commitment to contribute to the welfare of widows and the needy in the local government.

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