NEWS DIGEST – African Climate Reporters, an international non-government organisation (NGO), has embarked on a public sensitisation campaign on the effects of bush burning and tree felling on the environment.

Mr Mohammed Zakariyya, Director of the organisation in West Africa, made this known in Kaduna on Friday in an interview with News Agency of Nigeria (NAN).

Zakariya, who said that the organisation would visit Gabarawa, Igabi Local Government Area of Kaduna State, stressed that “we want to educate the people on the dangers inherent in bush burning.

“Trees play a major role in climate control by moderating the effects of the sun, rain and wind.

“Leaves absorb and filter the sun’s radiant energy, keeping things cool, especially during the hot season, same as trees; they also provide a screen (partition) from harsh wind,’’ he said.

The climate expert said that the organisation was encouraging tree planting, as it was fundamental to combat deforestation.

“Part of our targeted areas include schools; we want to impart the culture of safeguarding the environment to the younger ones,’’ he said.

Zakariya said the sensitisation activity was aimed at safeguarding the environment and protecting the health of the people. (NAN)