Haroon Yusuf Abba
Haroon Yusuf Abba

Open Letter: Still on Governor Lalong’s second term bid by Haroon Abba

NEWS DIGEST – I write with the utmost sense of patriotism and total commitment to the change mantra and development. Change we were promised but the worse situation has metamorphosed.

As the 2019 general elections draws closer, it is of paramount importance to analyze and check how far we have gone as a nation after the 2015 elections which brought you into power, the pleas that were made before the masses before the 2015 general election to cast their vote for change.

The Aftermath of all this hardship is frustration of which the masses still hasn’t benefit any fruit of good governance.

The roadmap to peace is a fallacy as many local government are still experiencing unrests, facing different kind of tribal clashes which is still claiming the lives and properties of many, the most peace achieved are celebrated by your government organizing carnivals, music shows and inviting celebrities to the state, this are misplaced priorities and total waste of the state’s resources.

Sir, your government is yet to organise the local government’s election as it continue to blame the unrest in the state. That’s to say the state is not peaceful as you always claim it is.

Your government keeps generating revenue from the common man through various taxes, levies and squander it on things that does not correlate with their wellbeing.

The infrastructures we are seeing today were all initiated by the previous administration of which, I stand to corrected that your administration has not started nor completed any standard project in the state.

Most of the projects executed by your government are low level standard as we see within Jos north and other parts of the state.

The political drum of 2019 remains very hot and monumental as it can be likened to that of a pregnant woman whom only God knows what it will conceive, but history is decently about to repeat itself as the case of a non performing governor re-elected will not happen again.

The minister of youth and sports, Barrister Solomon Dalung has recently exposed some of your wrong doings. The minister need to be hailed for such bravery.

Personally, I implore him to continue exposing the dirty act of your government so as to keep the citizens abreast of happenings under your watch. May you both never stay in peace because that has proven to be the only way to keep you active.

The plateau project remains a scam towards 2019 as there is no tangible project on ground on the welfare of the Masses, the administration remains a money making venture.

To this end, I pray that Governor Lalong we prayed and hope to fix the menace in the state will return and act as it is ought to be.

A lot of people are frustrated because your government is under-performing and people around you are not accommodating. The gap between you and the common man is to wide and this is alarming.

Mr Governor, It is not too late to correct the wrong doings of this administration before the elections. However, it is left for you to show full commitment and passion to lead us to the promise land or we change the change in 2019.

Haroon Yusuf Abba writes from Jos


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