The military has been requested by Governor Babagana Umara Zulum to ensure that the National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW) driver who was reportedly slain by a soldier near the Gambarou International Road in Borno State receives justice as soon as possible.

The governor, who addressed a press conference through the Secretary to the State Government, Hon. Bukar Tijjani, said the excesses of soldiers killing and extorting money from drivers on the road would not be tolerated.

He mentioned that an inquiry had been started and that the state administration had contacted military authorities.

“We clearly told the military that it’s not a matter of consoling the deceased’s family, because the theatre commandant told me that the soldier was arrested in Dikwa and currently detained in Maiduguri, and we are both investigating the matter.

“All these drivers plying the road are struggling to earn a livelihood, it’s cruel to stop them and force them to give bribes to not only soldiers but other security operatives that are drafted to protect their lives and property.

“Therefore, we are calling on the leadership of the security operatives to warn their men against extortion and to allow our people to carry out their legal businesses.

“On behalf of His Excellency, the governor, I want to extend his condolences to the family of the deceased, while appealing to the leadership of Road Transport Workers (NURTW) to free the road for business activities to resume on the Gambarou road,” he said.

Responding to the governor, the Secretary of the NURTW, Ahmed Musa, said the driver was transporting humanitarian goods to N’djamena, Chad when the soldier killed him during a stop and search at a checkpoint.

Meanwhile, the Acting Deputy Director, Army Public Relations of the 7 Division, Maiduguri, Lt Colonel Ajemusu Y Jingina, confirmed receiving a complaint on the killing of the truck driver.