The appointment of 168 assistants and 104 board members to the state’s 15 agencies and commissions has been approved by Borno’s governor, Babagana Zulum.

This is stated in a statement made on Monday in Maiduguri by Alhaji Bukar Tijjani, the Secretary to the Borno State Government (SSG).

Nine Senior Technical Assistants (STA), 81 Senior Special Assistants (SSAs), and 78 Special Assistants (SAs) made up the appointees, according to him.

In addition, 104 other people were named by the SSG as chairmen and board members of 15 commissions and agencies.

According to the SSG, the appointment was made in accordance with the governor’s authority granted by Section 208(2)d of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999, as amended, Constitution.

“The SSG stated that the governor congratulates the appointees and looks forward to their contributions to Borno’s development.”