Gov. Agbu Kefas of Taraba, on Thursday, approved free medical screening for first, second and third-class traditional rulers in the state in any hospital of their choice.

Babangida Hassan, the permanent secretary, bureau for local government, traditional and chieftaincy affairs, announced this at a press briefing in Jalingo.

According to him, the governor’s gesture was to ensure that the royal fathers, who were key to suitable peace and development of the rural communities, remained healthy.

“I am pleased to announce to you that Gov. Kefas has approved medical check-ups for traditional rulers in any hospital of their choice on government bills,” he said.

Mr Hassan, who was flanked by some traditional rulers and government officials, commended the governor for moving to make the traditional institution more effective during his administration.

Emmanuel Bello, the special adviser to the governor on media and digital communication noted that the governor had placed high premium on the welfare of the royal fathers to enable them concentrate on mitigation of conflicts in their domains.

The Aku Uka of Wukari and chairman, Taraba traditional rulers, Manu Ada-Ali, commended Mr Kefas for the gesture to them.

He pledged the commitment of the traditional rulers to the maintenance of peace in their domains to foster development.