NEWS DIGEST – Niger State Governor, Alhaji Abubakar Sani-Bello has said that his administration is set to change the developmental narrative of the state by ensuring even and wide spread of people oriented projects across the state.

In a statement signed by his Chief Press Secretary, Mallam Jibrin Ndace, the governor gave the assurance at Maikunkule, the headquarters of Bosso Local Government area at the resumption of his on the spot assessment tour of projects initiated and executed in all the local government areas of the state by his administration.

The Governor reitirated his administration’s resolve to ensure spread of developmental projects in all the 25 local government areas of the state in order to give all the people sense of belonging.

“Despite the meager resources of the state, we have over the years ensure spread of developmental projects across the length and breath of the state and we are resolved to positively change the narrative of infrastructure development in the state.

“This administration will continue to initiate, promote, execute and sponsor people oriented projects that will add value to our people and improve their standard of living. This we pledged will be actualised within our meager resources.”

The tour which began at Kodo village near Beji, the district head of the Beji, Alhaji Yunusa Alhassan Ibrahim pleaded with the government to link the villages in the area with the national grid for power supply and foe the up-grading of the community junior secobdary school to a full fledged secondary school.
At Maikunkule, the headquarters of the council, the district head of the town, Alhaji Suleiman Abdullahi Dada also appealed for the rehabilitation of the Township road, expansion of the water works serving the town and the fencing of the divisional Police station.

Gov. Sani-Bello said his visit to the council was to enable him meet the people with a view to hear from them on areas of their needs and to help guide in policy formulation by the government on specific preffered projects by the people.

He then announced a N30 million donation to the council for execution of proffered projects that will be decided by council and other stakeholders.

The governor also visited Shwata village and inspected a bridge under construction at Karin Tella area of the council.


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