An association of Fulani groups within the Greater Accra Region in Ghana has appealed to President Akufo-Addo to intervene and bring an end hostilities between residents of Agogo in the Ashanti Region and the Fulani herdsmen of area in the country.
At a Press Conference in Accra Ghana, the Leader of the group, Professor Sheikh  Osman Barry said that a copy of the communique seeking for the intervention has been sent to Sultan of Sokoto, Miyetti-Allah Fulani Group in Nigeria, African Union and ECOWAS Secretariat among others.
In a video coverage of the Press Conference obtained by the News Digest, the Leader of the Fulani Group said he believed the President of Ghana well known for his stand for justice and human rights over the years, has what it takes to use  highly respected office to quench the fire and bring peace and stability between the Fulani and the indigenes  of Agogo and other parts of Ghana.
Professor Barry also urged the government of Ghana to ensure that compensations are paid to innocent Fulani families who lost their cattle during the joint military –police operations.
According to him, the land attacks and air strikes jointly taken by the police and military from December last year has resulted in the killing of over one Thousand Five cows estimated to be over One Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars.
The group leader also indicated that some assailants suspected to be from the surrounding communities took advantage of the chaotic situation created by the joint action to launch attacks on the Fulani resulting in killing and looting of properties belonging to the herdsmen.
He also bemoaned the situation where on  many occasions people suspected to be Fulani extraction were forced to alight from public transports in which they were traveling with and humiliated and dehumanized and sometimes killed for no reason.
Professor Barry also recounted a sad situation in which a number of Fulani who embarked on the Mecca pilgrimage were forced to surrender their genuine traveling documents to the authorities at Ghana’s ports of entries without any justification.
The Fulanis are on many occasions  either discriminated against , deprived of or driven away when they approach appropriate state authorities to obtain traveling or important state documents such as voters and  national identifications, health insurance, passports amongst others.
He condemned such repeated atrocities and discriminations and  pointed out that the Fulani’s who have been living in Ghana’s geographical location for over three hundred and forty years do not deserve such ill treatments from the people.
He disclosed that the Fulani’s have been peace loving and law abiding citizens who have played tremendous roles in the socio-economic advancement of Ghana.
He mentioned that areas such as Cowlane, Tudu, Adabraka, Nima, Mamobi, and Kanda amongst others in the Accra Metropolis were founded by the Fulani’s.
Professor Osman Barry, who is a former employee of the Organisation of African Unity [OAU] now the African Union [AU] admonished the Fulanis nationwide to continue to be peace lovers and law abiding citizens.
The press conference organized by the Suudu Baaba Association of Ghana, brought together the academia, clergy, chiefs, health professionals, security personnel and students with Fulani roots on a single platform.
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