
German aid worker abducted in Niger

NEWS DIGEST – A German aid organisation on Thursday confirmed the abduction of one of its employees in Niger Republic.

Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe was informed late at night about the kidnapping of their staff member, the organisation Deputy Chief Executive, Bianca Kaltschmitt, said.

“We have put all necessary emergency measures in place, but cannot comment on any details about the incident at this stage,” said Kaltschmitt.

Help was working in close collaboration with the German Embassy in Niger as well as the crisis centre of Germany’s Federal Foreign Office, according to Kaltschmitt.

Militants were believed responsible for the kidnapping, which took place near the western town of Ayerou close to the border with Mali, online news portal ActuNiger reported.

The assailants attacked a small NGO convoy, set fire to the vehicles and then escaped with the aid worker, according to the report.

Multiple militant groups linked to the Islamic State or al-Qaeda is operating in Niger and in its neighbours Mali, Chad, Libya and Algeria.

France has deployed around 4,000 soldiers to support countries in the Sahel region, on the southern edge of the Sahara desert, in the fight against insurgents. (dpa/NAN)