Rivers State Governor, Siminalayi Fubara, recently expressed his disbelief at having remained in office for a full year, given the political turmoil that erupted shortly after he took office. Speaking at a Church Thanksgiving event on Sunday, which marked the conclusion of activities celebrating his first anniversary, Fubara recounted the challenges he faced.

Sworn into office on May 29, 2023, Fubara encountered significant political strife by October 30 of the same year. The crisis began with a fire incident at the State House of Assembly, which set off a series of destabilizing events.

Reflecting on these challenges, Governor Fubara said, “Some two months ago, nobody would have believed that we will be seated here to say, ‘God, thank You that we are able to navigate this troubled water to this point’.” He emphasized the significance of the thanksgiving ceremony, noting that there were orchestrated efforts to undermine his administration even as the anniversary celebrations were being planned.

He continued, “You won’t understand. I can tell you in good authority that even before we started this programme, there was every plan to frustrate us. But to the glory of God, we are all gathered here to say, ‘God, thank You, that You have carried us and led us to this point’. Now, if we have God by our side, do we have any problem? I want to thank everyone of you that are here to support us.”

Governor Fubara reassured the people of Rivers State of his commitment to fulfilling their trust and improving governance. He vowed not to betray the confidence placed in him and promised that the administration would continue to get better each year.

“What the devil thought was evil, God turned it to blessing and good,” he said. “I will not give this day to anybody, I will not talk about anybody, I will only say, ‘God Almighty thank You’.”

Fubara’s reflections highlight the resilience and faith that have guided him through a tumultuous first year in office, and his resolve to continue leading the state towards progress.