‘Formulate law to criminalize non-payment of salaries’

NEWS DIGEST–Polytechnic workers under the aegis of the Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Polytechnics have decried the inability of some state governments to pay salaries urging the National Assembly to make a law to criminalise non-payment of salaries.

The association said on Tuesday that it had started picketing state polytechnics that owed salaries such as the Abia State Polytechnic, Aba.

The SSANIP added that the picketing of Abia polytechnic was done on Monday and would continue on Wednesday (today).

The SSANIP National President, Mr Adebanjo Ogunsipe, stated these in an exclusive interview with PUNCH correspondent after the fifth National Delegates Conference of the union in Abuja.

The newly elected President noted that several state governments were not able to adequately fund polytechnics in their state because of the establishment of many tertiary institutions for political purposes.