Ambassador Adamu Ibrahim Lamuwa
Ambassador Adamu Ibrahim Lamuwa

Foreign Affairs Perm Sec Denies Harassment Allegations, Cites Three-Decade Clean Record

NEWS DIGEST – Ambassador Adamu Ibrahim Lamuwa, the permanent secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has vehemently denied allegations of sexual harassment leveled against him by Mrs. Simisola O. Fajemirokun-Ajayi, an aide to the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

In a statement released through his legal representative, Ambassador Lamuwa emphasized his unblemished three-decade tenure at the ministry, during which he had never faced any accusations of misconduct.

The statement categorically refuted all claims of sexual advances towards Mrs. Fajemirokun-Ajayi, attributing the discord to his commitment to financial prudence and adherence to due process within the ministry.

Addressing specific allegations from a ministry retreat, Ambassador Lamuwa clarified that his interactions with Mrs. Fajemirokun-Ajayi were solely professional, including inquiries about her accommodation, which he stated was standard practice for all participants.

Furthermore, the statement addressed a light-hearted remark made by Ambassador Lamuwa about Mrs. Fajemirokun-Ajayi’s role as a nursing mother, asserting that the comment was innocuous and made in a public setting, devoid of any inappropriate intent.

Ambassador Lamuwa also dismissed accusations that he suggested Mrs. Fajemirokun-Ajayi accompany him to Hong Kong, clarifying that their discussion centered solely on digital work processes in Hong Kong, refuting any impropriety in their professional dialogue.

The statement underscored that Mrs. Fajemirokun-Ajayi’s allegations appeared to stem from disagreements over what Ambassador Lamuwa described as her improper financial requests and attempts to access sensitive documents beyond her clearance level as a political appointee.

Despite the seriousness of the allegations, Ambassador Lamuwa expressed confidence in his eventual vindication, pointing to his longstanding record of integrity and adherence to due process within the ministry. The statement concluded by reaffirming his commitment to financial propriety and professional conduct.

Mrs. Fajemirokun-Ajayi, through her legal representatives, had accused Ambassador Lamuwa of sexual harassment, abuse of office, and intimidation in a recent petition, setting the stage for a contentious legal and administrative battle.