Goods worth millions of naira were destroyed by a fire which gutted the popular Mandilas warehouse building located at Broad Street, Lagos Island, on Sunday.

The fire was said to have started from the first floor of the building and escalated to the fourth floor before the arrival of emergency responders.

Meanwhile, men of the Lagos State Fire and Rescue Service, upon arrival at the scene of the fire, were able to curtail the further spread of the fire.

The Head of Public Education, LSFRS, Amodu Shakiru said: “The cause of the fire is yet to be determined. We contained the fire to the fourth floor but we always have difficulties on the island because of accessibility.

“There are so many combustive materials we are contending with. Some goods are stocked in such a manner that we cannot even find a way to get to the area. It’s challenging creating a path in the area.”

“It’s a built-up environment, and getting people out of the way is difficult. Any move by the government could lead to accusations that the government is trying to drive out a particular set of people. But we are trying to work through the Community Development Areas (CDAs). We started last year, with our campaign on market fire.

“There are also generators stocked all over the place. We are working with the people because the government is for the people. This building is over three decades old; so, we can’t pull it down overnight. Again, when we are pulling down some sections of the extensions and attachments, others are springing up. but we are working hard to forestall this.”