The Federal High Court (FHC) is set to begin its annual vacation on July 23, 2024, as disclosed by Dr. Catherine Oby-Christopher, the FHC Assistant Director of Information/ICT.

The vacation will last until September 13, 2024, with normal court activities resuming on September 16, 2024.

In a statement titled “Notification of Federal High Court Annual Vacation for the Year 2024 and Vacation Roster For Judges,” Dr Oby-Christopher highlighted that the vacation is by Order 46, Rule 4 (d) of the Federal High Court (Civil Procedure) Rules 2019.

The Chief Judge of the Federal High Court, Honourable Justice John Terhemba Tsoho, OFR, KSS, FCIArb.(UK), has approved the vacation schedule and roster for vacation judges.

During this period, litigants with matters of extreme urgency are advised to approach the Abuja, Lagos, and Port-Harcourt divisions of the court.

The appointed vacation judges include Justice Emeka Nwite and Justice Peter Lifu for the Abuja division, Justice Akintayo Aluko and Justice Isaac Dipeolu for the Lagos division, and Justice A. T. Mohammed and Justice P. M. Ayua for the Port-Harcourt division.

This vacation allows judges to rest and prepare for the tasks of the New Legal Year.