Dr Mariya Mahmoud, Minister of State, Federal Capital Territory (FCT) on Tuesday, urged members of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) scheme, to thrive toward becoming wealth creators and employers of labour.

Mahmoud stated this at the closing ceremony of the 2023 Batch B Stream II Orientation Course, at the NYSC FCT Permanent Orientation Camp, Kubwa, FCT, Abuja.

She urged the corps members to give their best in the service of the country in their respective place of primary assignment and community.

She added that while improving their host community, they should, at the same time, strive to invest in building themselves for self-reliance.

“I am aware that you acquired different skills during the Skill Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Development programme in the course of this orientation exercise.

“I enjoin you, therefore, to follow up with the post camp training to master your skills. This is one sure way of becoming self-reliant and reducing post service unemployment among ex-corps members.

“Take advantage of this and become wealth creators and employers of labour in the near future,” she said.

The minister said that the NYSC scheme has attained remarkable milestones in its mission of national integration and development.

She called on the corps members to be worthy ambassadors of the scheme and keep the flag flying.

She noted that nation-building and socio-economic developments were twin areas of vital importance to the country.

“The FCTA believe that you will galvanise your talents and potentials toward enthroning a more united, prosperous and egalitarian nation that will not only be the pride of all but legacy for future generations.

“Wherever you may find yourselves, you must strive to make a difference; spearhead transformation; and promote harmonious interaction and creative development.

“For me, the joy of mentoring the youths is incomparable.

“We have no choice than to inspire and guide them towards becoming responsible citizens that will take over the mantle of leadership of this great country, into the distant future.

“I, therefore, feel very privileged to have become a part of this noble scheme and I will give all my best on this assignment,” she said.

She assured the corps members of adequate security, saying “the security of lives and property remain paramount in the agenda of the FCTA.

“I assure you of our determination to continue to provide the needed peaceful environment for you and all residents of the FCT.

“However, I implore you not to expose yourselves to danger and avoid unnecessary journeys and other security risks; please, prioritise your personal security,” she advised.

Earlier, NYSC FCT Coordinator, Mrs Winifred Shokpeka, said that orientation commenced three weeks ago for 3,920 registered corps members deployed to the FCT.

Shokpeka explained that the orientation course was the first cardinal programme of the NYSC where corps members were inducted with the virtues of discipline, cultural integration, and nation building.

“It is a ground to prepare corps members for future leadership roles in their various assignments after the orientation course.

“Our corps members have been posted to all the six Area Councils in the FCT, where they shall be contributing to nation building,” she said.

The coordinator appealed to corps employers and host communities to give the corps members all the necessary support and cooperation needed to settle down.

She urged the corps members to continue to be good ambassadors of the NYSC by shunning acts capable of putting the name of the scheme in disrepute.

“Respect the culture and tradition of your host communities and be security conscious always,” she said.