Professor Richard Akindele
Professor Richard Akindele

Endemic Harassment in Higher Institutions, By Taoheed Adegbite

NEWS DIGEST – I was forced to write on the above topic prior to an audio sex-for-mark-scandal released some weeks ago. Though, the case is still an allegation against Prof. Richard Akindele of Accounting department, Obafemi University University, Ile ife. The undaunted fact is that, the prevalence of this issue needs to be looked into for a proofer rather than tissue. Whereas, not only in OAU is this happening or has happened, rather what has become a yearly festivity in Nigeria higher institutions.
As we are meant to see things from different angle. Since we are all fortunate not to be using one specs or glasses, definitely no accuse is guilty until it is proved. But to call a spade a spade, students of higher institution in Nigeria are really facing problems from lecturers and managements of different schools. We’ve recently heard about students being arrested for activism, fearless and unfair awarded grades, sexual harassment and the host of others.
Undoubtedly, I know some people ought to think about the temptation from female students to male lecturers. In this respect, we have the ability to fathom ourselves before temptation, if we want. But you give room or lend a helping hand in preparation of devil’s tea, this is rather not temptation but willingness. As it is said “when you fail to say or do what you are supposed to do or say, you will be a victim of what you don’t like”. The fact that some students do go on mission to tempt male lecturers is undoubted. Supposedly, majority of higher institution in Nigeria put in place and enforce a dress code to guide and conduct students behaviour as regards mode of dressing. Until then, immorality is still national morality in the world of dressing, because no law, no sin.
Moving on, too much effrontery of some lecturers of higher institutions in Nigeria has been the hindrance to the standard of our education. Why?. A mere and forgivable offense committed by students, even in some cases, some are conditional. Whereas, some lecturers due to that grudge, boastfully assure affected students of being blessed with failure. These categories are the innocent spill over students you meet on campus, due to undue and undeserved punishment from wicked lectors. To curb this, educational sector needs to encourage external examiners to access and regulate the conduct of examination, marking and grade awarding. This,  I think will preach to the “bad belles” among the higher institution lectors to redress their continuity as destiny changers.
In a democratic society, the government and the governs  are expected to act in a democratic way. But in a situation whereby a society government operates with utmost hutzpah, then the right of the governs at stakes. In Nigeria higher institutions of today, only students ready to risk his or her degree can challenge the school authority. Even, when the  authority’s vicious action is glaring to the blind, no one dare talk. To substantiate this claim, antecedent of student’s activists in logger-head with the school management for wholesome which has resulted to either suspension or arrest and arraign before a court of law continue ringing in my head. Interestingly, some higher institutions in Nigeria tamed  the right of the students unionism by the removal of the letter “G”meaning government and left the strong “SUG” with a rubber stamp Students Union. This, has curtailed the unionists from exercising the principality of their essence as students’ voice. Axiomatically, some schools today have protocol unionists in the interest of the school management to tamper with the students’ fundamental rights.
However, only the bravest student can expose lectors for harassment. I stand to be corrected. I believe the thought of what will later become the fate of any victim of the aforementioned kept the past victims muted. Firstly, the students is expected to channel any grievances or harassment to the school management, but are some schools’ managements trustworthy? . Believe me or not,in Nigeria higher institution today, burning issues at students’ detriment are swept under the carpets. Never could those honky-tonk issue be veil off, not to talk of trial.   Nevertheless, let’s assume, the truth is established and evil actor lector is penalized, won’t his close allies among other lectors gang up against such student ?. This formed the main reason many evil perpetrator will continue to scot free.
 Therefore, until a strict law is established by the national assembly and enforce, whereby students will be freed in their thought to launch any maltreatment to the authority in charge. If not, we are at the beginning of the end of educational standard in Nigeria.
To sum up, If need for us end this hanky panky. Then, an external body of the government and the non-governmental organization should be put in place to act on behalf of any affected students from being victimized or intimidated. Should such occurrence occur and for transparency. Any investigative panel set up must comprise of the government enforcement agencies, human rights activist, students representative, concerned school’s representative and other concerned NGOs in the the cause of establishing the veracity of such cases henceforth. This,  I think will neither colour the truth nor masquerade fairness. It will encourage any student fall victim to report immediately without fear of taking any risk only if the allegations is false. This will proofer to some reports of this semblance some years after such victim has graduated due to panic. Student also should be encourage to be sure before alleging, as any act to traduce or malign any lectors should be legally penalized.
Adegbite Taoheed is a campus journalist and a 200l  literature In English student of Usmanu Danfodiyo university, Sokoto.
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