Ekiti State Government Warns Against Health Hazards from Improper Waste Disposal

The Ekiti State Government has issued a warning on Saturday, urging citizens to avoid placing dump sites near residential buildings to prevent the outbreak of dangerous communicable diseases.

Deputy Governor Chief (Mrs) Monisade Afuye emphasized the risk of such practices, which could lead to the spread of diseases like Cholera and Diarrhea among residents.

During her visit to Ilupeju Ekiti to monitor the monthly environmental sanitation exercise in Oye Local Government Area, Mrs. Afuye stressed the importance of locating refuse and sewage sites away from residential areas to mitigate health risks.

“This environmental sanitation is for your own sake and safety. We pray we don’t have epidemics in Ekiti, but you can’t be locating dump sites near your homes and expect your wellness not to be endangered.

“I appeal to you, try and correct this anomaly for your safety. We didn’t want you to be spending your hard earned monies on sickness,” she advised.

The deputy governor also stopped at Oye Central Market to sensitise the traders against displaying their wares during environmental sanitation, saying this violates the State Environmental Sanitation Law.

She, thereafter, visited the palace of Oloye of Oye Ekiti, Oba Oluwole Ademolaju, to make a formal report about the illegality of traders operating in the market during the sanitation exercise.

Mrs Afuye and the monarch later addressed the traders inside the market, with a warning to desist from such illegal conduct.

In her warning, the deputy governor said citizens who violate the exercise are deemed as saboteurs and would not escape punishment if found culpable.

“Next time we see you like this, we won’t hesitate to arrest you and confiscate all your goods while those arrested will be made to face the full weight of the law. But, I want to appeal to you that you shouldn’t allow this to happen,” she warned.

Oba Ademolaju, in his admonition, described the violation as very disturbing, saying the leaders of the market women had done enough sensitisation on the need to comply with the monthly environmental sanitation.

Expressing disappointment over the traders’ action, the monarch warned that such conduct shouldn’t repeat itself in subsequent editions, noting that the government has the power to arrest violators and impose sanctions accordingly.