Edo State House of Assembly on Thursday donated food items and toiletries worth millions of naira, to two orphanage homes in Benin as part of activities to mark its first 100 days in office.

The donations were announced by the Speaker of the House, Blessing Agbebaku, at a press conference in Benin.

The eight assembly was inaugurated on June 16 with 24 lawmakers from different constituencies.

Speaking at the press conference, Mr. Agbebaku said that the food items and toiletries would be distributed to Orobosa and Iyobosa orphanage homes, respectively.

The speaker also said that the house had passed people’s oriented bills and resolutions in its first 100 days in office.

Agbebaku added that the house commenced and ended its first quarter of the first session with 23 people’s oriented resolutions and Bills at different stages of consideration.

“In the period under review, we summoned the Federal Road Maintenance Agency (FERMA) over the deplorable state of federal roads in the state

“The house also has to its credit a resolution calling for a holistic approach towards curbing the resurgence of kidnapping before it escalates.

“Based on this resolution, security agencies in the state beefed up security strategies towards ensuring that people’s lives and property are protected.

“In 100 days, the eight assembly also cleared commissioners to boost the Mega Agenda of Gov. Godwin Obaseki,” he said.

Also, the deputy speaker of the house, Rt. Hon. Maria Edeko, commended the media for the coverage of the house activities since its inauguration.

Ms. Edeko, who said that the media has been a great asset to the 8th assembly, urged them to continue to give the house their best.

According to her, “we are not unmindful of your activities, even if we do not say it daily, we are grateful to all of you for the reportage and coverage of our activities.