Ghali Umar Na'Abba
Ghali Umar Na'Abba

JUST IN: DSS releases Ghali Na’Abba after five-hour grilling

NEWS DIGEST – The Department of State Services has released Ghali Na’Abba, a former speaker of the House of Representatives and leader of a new political movement, the National Consultative Forum.

Na’abba, who was interrogated for over five hours was released some minutes ago and he is on his way to the NCFront Secretariat at Utako, Abuja, to address the members of the organisation and journalists.

The secret police had invited Na’Abba four days after he made critical comments about the government of the President Muhammadu Buhari

Speaking during a television interview, Na’Abba, the co-chairman of the newly formed NCFront, said Nigeria is now a failed state.

He listed unemployment, insecurity, economic hardship as some of the factors that have shown that “this government is incompetent.”