The Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) in Enugu State reported that over 10 doctors were abducted within two months. In an emergency meeting, NMA expressed concern about the lack of security in public hospitals, emphasizing the impact of reduced armed patrols on rising criminal activities.

In a joint statement by Dr. Celestine Ugwoke (Chairman) and Dr. Okafor Sunday (General Secretary), NMA highlighted the growing insecurity burdening healthcare facilities in Enugu. They noted the state government’s efforts but criticized insufficient security infrastructure for a state of Enugu’s magnitude.

NMA condemned security agencies’ failure to provide investigation reports on doctor kidnappings and urged the state government to enhance security through funding, modern technologies, and other measures. The association called on security agencies to intensify operations, end the alarming trend, and ensure swift justice for culprits.

The medical practitioners mandated health institutions to provide secure facilities for doctors on hospital calls or arrange escorts. They advised institutions to establish security committees, following the UNTH template and adapting to local needs.