Covid-19 and Charity in the month of Ramadan, By Abdulhameed Yusuf

NEWS DIGEST – Today is the 13th day in the month of Ramadan. Although the pandemic persists, healthy Muslims continue to observe the fast. The effects of Covid-19 on worship in general and fasting in particular are largely insignificant as it only affects the periphery, and not the core aspect of fasting: no Tarawih in congregation, no collective Iftaar, and no Tafsir offline. However, these meritorious acts of worship could still be done individually and online.

The month of Ramadan is a veritable avenue for charity, and given the dynamic nature of this virtue, it cannot be hindered by the pandemic.

It is instructive to note that the Prophet was a model in every aspect of life and worship; charity is no different. Ordinarily, he was charity personified. But in the month of Ramadan, Ibn ‘Abbas narrated that the Prophet used to be extraordinarily charitable in the month of Ramadan more than breeze! Following this prophetic tradition, the rich among Muslims always use the month of Ramadan to give more in charity. In fact, the outbreak of Covid-19 cannot be an excuse for those used to charity in this month not to give it.

According to the Glorious Qur’an, the best form of giving charity is to do it in secrecy. In an authentic tradition, the Prophetic was reported to have mentioned 7 categories of people who shall be under the Divine shade on the day of judgement. Among these people is a charitable man who hid his charity so much that his left hand did not know what his right hand was giving out. This tradition is a practical manifestation of a verse of the Qur’an where Allah says that it is good to give out charity openly, but it is better to conceal it! *Q2:271*

Before the beginning of the month of Ramadan, the pandemic had forcefully activated the charity capacity of the government at Federal and State levels. It has been giving out food stuff as palliative to the vulnerable members of the society to cushion the effects of the lockdown. Also, individuals and organizations have been exhibiting their charitable character towards the less-previleged. Although, the number of the needy is far larger than the available resources, something is better than nothing especially in charity.

In this month of fasting, charitable activities are needed more than before. Under lockdown for several weeks, the poor members of the society are in dire need of food stuff that would take them through this fasting period. In a post I made on FB few days to the month of Ramadan, I advised the regular sponsors of programs on Radio and Television in the month of Ramadan to prioritize feeding of the poor people. No sermon can get to the hearts if the stomach is empty!

More interestingly, Covid-19 has provided a blessing in disguise to those rich people who always perform ‘Umrah in the month of Ramadan. As there is no ‘Umrah in this month, it is an opportunity for them to achieve two objectives in a single stroke. They can use the money budgeted for the ‘Umrah to feed the poor people in this month, while they still get rewarded by Allah for their good intention. Each of these good deeds begets significant rewards! So they need not feel disappointed. They stand a better chance of gettting “spiritual bonanza” if they are ready.

Charity in this month can be given out without contravening the social distancing order made by the government. Individuals can emulate the government method of giving out palliatives to the needy ones. They can also employ better methods that would ensure no physical contact. For instance, food stuff could be dropped at the door steps of identified poor people in the neighborhood.

Finally, the act of charity in Islam is ever rewarding. Nothing is too big or too small to give as charity. Even half a date given out in charity is enough to protect the giver against the hell fire. As effortless as it seems, a smile is also considered as a form of charity. Above all, sincere intention is key to making one’s charity acceptable by the most Generous Lord! We are hopeful our Merciful Lord would accept all acts of charity by His servants in the blessed month, thereby helping us to overcome the Covid-19 even before the month of Ramadan ends.

He is ever Able and Capable.

Dr. A.B. Yusuf
Department of Religions,
University of Ilorin,