The Delta High Court in Effurun issued a verdict on Monday, directing blogger Linda Ikeji to pay N30 million as general damages to the Neo Black Movement (NBM) of Africa for a defamatory publication.

Ikeji faced a N1 billion lawsuit filed by the NBM and three others, including the Registered Trustees of NBM of Africa, Ese Kakor, Felix Kupa, and Mayor Onyebueke, for defamation and libel.

Justice Roli Daibo-Harriman delivered the judgment and also ordered Ikeji to cover the litigation costs, totaling N300,000. Additionally, the court mandated Ikeji to publish a retraction of the defamatory publication on her blog and in national newspapers.

Furthermore, the judge ordered Ikeji to restrain from making further damaging publications against the Claimants and members of the NBM of Africa.

In her judgment, Justice Daibo-Harriman clearly described the words, dreaded cultist group, black axe, criminal organusation and others as used by the defendant in her libelous publication as all defamatory.

The blogger in her publication of Oct. 19, 2021.allegedly referred to NBM of Africa as dreaded cult group, black axe, criminal organisation and other names.

Consequently, the claimants prayed the court for an award of N1 billion only and an unreserved apology to be published in her blog and two national newspapers and among others.

The defendant was not present in court neither was she represented.

Addressing newsmen shortly after the court’s proceedings, lead counsel to the claimants, Kelvin Agbroko said that it was a well deserved judgment.

“This will serve as lesson to bloggers that it is not every item you published. It is good to verify information before making a publication.

“NBM of Africa is a legal organisation duly registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC).

“The publication made by the defendant against my client has been cleared that is was a damaging publication.

“NBM is good to go, we are going to take all necessary steps to enforce the terms of the judgement against her.

“It was an erudite judgment that is all encompassing and will be difficult to fault,” Agbroko said.

Also responding to the judgement the President of NBM of Africa, Mr Ese Kakor said that the case had been on for about two years.

He said that the judgment was a warning to bloggers and other members of the public not to call people or organisations names that were not ascribed to them in a bid to blackmail or defamed their characters.

“What Ikeji did was just to sell in a bid to defame the character of NBM of Africa, it is very wrong.

“I advised other blogger not to follow same steps as they may also face similar litigation.

“Do not try and defame people’s character. NBM has nothing to do with cultism, black axe. It is not a criminal organisation but a registered organisation,” he said.

Mr Kakor, however, advised the public to be law abiding and do things within the ambits of the law.