Mawine Diggs, Liberia’s Minister of Commerce and Industry, has advised that countries should not be allowed to burn after general elections.

Ms Diggs also called for inclusion and collaboration between winners and losers of elections in ECOWAS member countries to preserve peace and democratic rule in the sub-region.

She appealed while presenting a paper titled: “Mechanism for collaboration between political majorities and opposition as a crisis prevention mechanism” at a delocalised joint committee meeting of the ECOWAS Parliament on Thursday in Monrovia.

“Like we say in Liberia, after all the political processes, ‘the country will not burn’. So it is with all countries in the ECOWAS community. After elections, our countries must not and should not burn,” Ms Diggs said.

She admitted that in a democratic system of government, the majority wins but has a responsibility to protect the minority, insisting that the protection encapsulates the respect for the rights of all, irrespective of the gender, ethnicity or political affiliation of the individual.

“The governing majority is required to build strong and vibrant institutions, including an independent judiciary and a free press.

“The governing majority is charged to ensure that the fundamental rights, including healthcare and education, are available and affordable for all,” said the minister.

On the part of the minority, Ms Diggs said whilst the governing majority must govern, the minority has a charge to subscribe to the rule of law.

“The right to protest and hold government accountable or ‘hold their feet to the fire’, which is fundamental, must be exercised in a peaceful manner consistent with the constitution.”

She explained that the first step to govern is creating the space and atmosphere for governance, which is attainable only by collaboration, insisting that both the majority and minority must collaborate at all times regardless of the disagreements and divergence of views.

“Both sides must respect democratic principles and values. Whilst the majority focuses more on the delivery of its programmes, it must also create an enabling environment for everyone to co-exist.

“The threat of conflict is greatly minimised by a healthy collaboration between both the government, opposition and those of no position.”

She added, “The majority and minority must collaborate and build synergies on their commonalities in areas of gender parity, a free press, an independent judiciary, and an open budget which puts the people first and, above all, upholds the constitution.”