Gov. Uba Sani of Kaduna State says his administration is committed to championing genuine reconciliation with the people from the southern part of the state.

Sani made this statement in a message to the Southern Kaduna Christian Leaders Association Pastor’s Congress at the Throneroom Trust Ministry in Kafanchan.

Represented by his Senior Special Assistant on Religious Affairs (Christian Matters), Rev. Ishaya Jangado, the governor explained that his government was ready to correct the mistakes made by past administrations for the progress and development of the state.

He appealed to the Christian community in the zone to rally round the current administration in its quest to run an all-inclusive government.
Earlier, Apostle Emmanuel Kure, Chairman of the Southern Kaduna Christian Leaders Association, said the end-of-year meeting was convened to pray for the future of the land amongst other things.

Kure commended the governor for his efforts at uniting the state and pledged the association’s support for initiatives aimed at promoting peaceful religious co-existence.

He announced plans by the association to raise a special treasury to assist disadvantaged pastors in the zone as well as build their capacity.

Kure also dismissed rumours that he received monies meant for members from politicians during the build-up to the 2023 general elections.

Other speakers at the event underscored the need for Christendom to do away with the issue of denomination and focus on spreading the gospel.
The meeting also commiserated with the family of the late Gen. Yakubu Kure over his demise.

They prayed God to grant the immediate family, the government and people of the state, as well as the Nigerian Army and the nation as a whole, the fortitude to bear the loss.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the pastors passed a vote of confidence on the leadership of the association and commended their efforts at improving the image of the Church in Southern Kaduna.