Comrade Auwal Musa Rafsanjani
Comrade Auwal Musa Rafsanjani

June 12: CISLAC Urges Commitment to Democratic Principles on Democracy Day

NEWS DIGEST – The Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC) has called on Nigerians to unite in celebration of Democracy Day, honoring the legacy of the pivotal 1993 presidential election.

In a statement signed by CISLAC’s Executive Director, Comrade Auwal Ibrahim Musa (Rafsanjani), the non-governmental organization emphasized that this historic event, though ultimately annulled, remains a powerful symbol of the Nigerian people’s enduring desire for democracy.

CISLAC highlighted the importance of reflecting on both the progress made and the challenges that remain in Nigeria’s democratic journey.

“Democracy thrives when its core principles – free and fair elections, respect for the rule of law, and the protection of fundamental human rights – are upheld,” CISLAC asserts. As the nation celebrates, there is a call to recommit to these principles and work towards their further strengthening.

However, CISLAC acknowledges the ongoing struggles faced by many Nigerians. Rising living costs, stagnant wages, and the persistent issue of an inadequate minimum wage are significant concerns. Insecurity plagues various regions, threatening lives and economic stability, while endemic corruption undermines public trust and diverts critical resources.

CISLAC urges the government to address these pressing issues with policies that ensure a living wage, tackle inflation, and secure food resources for all Nigerians. Robust anti-corruption measures are essential to recover stolen resources and restore public confidence. Additionally, effective action against insecurity is crucial to providing a safe environment for all citizens.

The organization calls for a renewed commitment to democratic ideals through concrete actions. Strengthening democratic institutions, ensuring free and fair elections, and maintaining an independent judiciary are vital steps. Increased civic participation is also necessary to empower citizens to hold their leaders accountable and demand positive change.

On this Democracy Day, CISLAC reaffirms its dedication to promoting good governance, transparency, and accountability in Nigeria. A strong and vibrant democracy is seen as the foundation for sustainable development and the well-being of all Nigerians.

CISLAC encourages the celebration of past victories while striving towards a future where every Nigerian enjoys a just, equitable, and secure society.